Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Seasonal Cleaning!!!

We do it for our clothes, we do it for our home, and why not do it
 for our jewelry box? 
  Seasonal cleaning seems to be something that is done for large clutter around 
the house but even your jewelry box deserves a quick freshening
 once in a while!

  Honestly, you would be surprised what you can find in your own little treasure chest! 
I know personally the last time I cleaned it out, I found 9 pairs of earrings I hadn't touched in maybe 5 years! YIKES!!! 
The beauty of it is, even those ragged, out of style earrings can mean a couple bucks in your pocket!  
I got about 80 bucks for mine. 

 Cashing in gold and silver jewelry is a simple process that gives you that same relief feeling you get once you emptied that
 over flowing closet of clothes. 
 You never know what you can find until you blow off the dust and take a peak!

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